Do you know if you’ve been using vegan toilet paper? If you’re using one of the most popular toilet papers, it might not be vegan or cruelty free. Some toilet papers may actually contain animal ingredients like gelatin to bind the fibers, while other T.P.’s are made by companies that still engage in animal testing.
Why does it matter?
I know, I know – yet another thing to worry about. I read on a message board that some toilet paper isn’t vegan and I got curious. This is just another post to shed light on how taken for granted animal exploitation is. Charmin replied to my e-mail that their toilet paper “may contain animal derived materials.”
The fact that Charmin says their toilet paper MAY have animal ingredients implies to me that it does. Rather than giving details, they’re saying, “we have enough consumers who don’t care about this, so if you’re one of the few people who do, just don’t use it.” If they did admit to using gelatin, just imagine the headlines and tweets – “you’ve been wiping your butt with the hooves and snouts of slaughtered animals.”
But MAYBE their toilet paper doesn’t have any animal ingredients in it. Even if this was the case, I want to live in a world where animal exploitation is taken seriously and not something people are okay with being ambiguous about.
So, I researched a bunch of toilet papers and here’s what I found. Oh, I should mention these are mostly toilet papers in the United States. I’ll add more as I find them. Fortunately, there are some toilet paper companies that are explicit about their values and who don’t test on or exploit animals. First, here’s a list of cruelty free and vegan toilet paper. Then if you scroll to the bottom, you’ll find a detailed list of not cruelty-free and not vegan toilet paper which I will be avoiding from now on.
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List of Cruelty-Free and Vegan Toilet Paper
Who Gives a Crap? Recycled 3-ply toilet paper
- Made with 100% recycled paper
- No inks, dyes, or scents
- e-mail received from customer service 6/2/2018, “Never fear, our products are vegan. We do not use any animal derived ingredient and definitely no animal testing involved. We only test our products on the finest human bottoms.”
- Use this link for $10 off your first order.
Who Gives a Crap? Premium Toilet Paper
- Made with 100% “forest friendly” bamboo
- No inks, dyes, or scents
- e-mail received from customer service 6/2/2018, “Never fear, our products are vegan. We do not use any animal derived ingredient and definitely no animal testing involved. We only test our products on the finest human bottoms.”
- Use this link for $10 off your first order.
Earth Friendly ECOS Bathroom Tissue
- made from bamboo and sugarcane
- no inks or dyes
- explicitly says on its website: “Earth Friendly Products does not test its products on animals or use any animal ingredients.”
Thrive Market Hybrid Bath Tissue
- made from recycled pulp and fast-growing, renewable bamboo
- email received from customer service 6/14/2018, “We have confirmed with our merch team that our Hybrid Bath Tissue contains no animal products from either living or killed animals.”
Seventh Generation Unbleached Toilet Paper*
- Made with unbleached recycled paper
- Safe for septic systems and sewer systems, low-flow toilets in RVs and campers.
- e-mail received 6/10/2018 from customer service: “I did need to dig a little deeper to find the answer to your question, and the answer is yes, our paper products are vegan. The adhesives do not contain any animal products or by-products.”
- *Parent company Unilever tests on animals, but Seventh Generation’s products are not tested or sold in countries where testing is required. I included it on this list because they have been explicit about their values for a long time.
Seventh Generation Toilet Paper from Recycled Paper*
- Made with 100% recycled paper
- No added dyes, inks, or fragrance
- Safe for septic systems and sewer systems, low-flow toilets in RVs and campers.
- e-mail received 6/10/2018 from customer service: “I did need to dig a little deeper to find the answer to your question, and the answer is yes, our paper products are vegan. The adhesives do not contain any animal products or by-products.”
- *Parent company Unilever tests on animals, but Seventh Generation’s products are not tested or sold in countries where testing is required. I included it on this list because they have been explicit about their values for a long time.
Kruger – parent company of White Cloud*
- e-mail received 6/4/2018 from customer service: “Kruger Products L.P. does not add animal-based products in the production of any of our products, nor test its tissue products on animals.”
- Canadian company that manufactures in Tennessee.
- e-mail received 6/5/2018 from customer service: “Kruger Products L.P. does not fund any animal testing; we have allocated our funds to two causes: children, and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.”
- *The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation merged with the Canadian Cancer Society which appears to fund animal testing.
Here’s a list of toilet papers you may want to avoid.
TOILET PAPERS that are not or might be NOT VEGAN or NOT CRUELTY FREE.
- e-mail received from customer service on 3/14/2018 said “It may be helpful to know that our Charmin toilet tissues may contain animal derived materials.”
- parent company Proctor & Gamble still tests on animals.
Kimberly-Clark – parent company of Cottonelle and Scott
- e-mail received from customer service 3/16/2018 said “None of our tissue products are designed to be vegan and we do not exclude animal derived ingredients from our supply chain. The products are composed of 100% virgin fibers along with processing aids. The processing aids are not directly manufactured from animal ingredients and none are intentionally added. Some manufacturers of the raw materials use processing aids, fillers, or additives that may be synthesized from animal derived components. Since these components may be present in trace amounts, and furthermore, are subjected to such intense processing heat, any possible animal derived component would be of no biological significance.”
- parent company Kimberly-Clark still tests on animals.
Georgia-Pacific – parent company of AngelSoft, Quilted Northern, and Aria
- e-mail received from customer service 6/7/2018: “Georgia–Pacific does not test any of its consumer products on animals. In addition, animal ingredients are not used in the manufacturing of our glues and adhesives.”
- BUT just a few years ago Georgia-Pacific contracted a scientist to test on animals in hopes of gaining evidence to use in a lawsuit. They are not principally against animal testing.
Costco – Kirkland Signature is their brand
- Chat with customer service 9/4/2018, after a long wait while they checked with other people: ” It looks like there is no information stating that the product is vegan.”
Note: Caboo, Nimbus, and Earth’s Natural Alternative did not respond to e-mails about their toilet papers.
Related links:
Guide to Vegan Household Products
October 18, 2019Seventh Generation makes money for Unilever. If they were that conscientious about animal testing they would not be part of Unilever. You didn’t mention Green Forest at, they don’t test all and they are listed with Peta as well
Gurinder Saini
February 26, 2020I care about vegan and i am against animal cruelty.
I need paper to write a Religious Scripture.
Even large printer paper would work.
Please help me find a paper that does not contain recycled material, is not stretched over animal hide parchments during manufacturing and where gelatine was not used as stiffening agent during manufacture.
September 30, 2020Hi Gurinder, Please check out the list of vegan papers in our vegan art supplies directory.
March 21, 2020Hi here is a link to unileaver-they are now committed to ending animal testing so you may want to update.
May 18, 2020Thanks for your comment! While Unilever is working for regulatory change, they are still doing animal testing where required by law so technically they have the same status as before. Until they refuse to do animal testing to enter certain markets, they will not be considered entirely “cruelty-free.” However, Seventh Generation is not tested anywhere no matter what.
June 23, 2021It is tough to know where animal by-products are being used and we do our best, but I would never have guessed that toilet paper can be manufactured with ingredients such as gelatine.
Terry Hamilton
July 14, 2021I emailed Caboo and asked, “Are your products vegan and cruelty free? Are there any animal ingredients used; gelatine or animal based glue? Have your products, or the ingredients, been tested on animals by anyone at any stage of production?” I got this reply.
Hi Terry,
Thank you for your interest in our products.
Caboo does not test its products on animals, no animal ingredients.
We have also extensively audited our suppliers and no indication of animal testing was found.
Best regards,
Sandra Stephan,
Director of Operations
Caboo Paper Products Inc.
T. (604) 299-1193
jen Wilson
February 27, 2023Toilet paper is responsible for the deforestation of the Boreal Forest in Canada. This kills and displaces thousands of animaLs and takes away habitat from the survivors. They often use old growth trees for the highest quality products. No toilet paper derived this way is vegan because it a actually kills animals and poisons the environment with all the bleaching and softening chemicals, killing even more animals. Please use recycled paper and bamboo from vegan-friendly sources and reusable and washable cloths to help save wildlife.